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The Fall – Gen. 2:16 You are free to eat from any tree, but not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”  

Spiderman receives memorable advice when he discovers his special powers that ‘with great power comes great responsibility.’ The story is driven forward by the question: What will he do with it? Scripture reveals that human beings are the apex of God’s creation. God created us for worship and work, and bestowed special status and privileges on us. No other creature has the breath of God’s life in them, or carries the likeness of God’s image upon them. But, God also did something extremely risky. He granted us freedom to choose to trust him at his word and follow him willingly from our hearts. Why? Because love given freely is love at its best. So, God’s story is driven by a question similar to Spiderman’s: What will humanity do with my special gift?  

It turns out, we blew it! We chose to doubt God and listen to other ‘wiser’ voices, exposing ourselves to the lure and destructive power of evil. Thankfully, God’s story does not end there. Its great theme is about God’s plan to rescue us from evil’s grip, to rid the world of evil’s power, to restore all things to an even better state than what we started with, andto offer us a second chance at life the way God intended. All this through Jesus – the forerunner of God’s new humanity and proof of his new creation. 

Whose voice have you been listening to in your life?


*stay tuned for tomorrow's advent reflection*

This series has been prepared by a variety of writers from Peace Church.